

Lolita has written two books thus far:  the Amazon links to the books are below. All books published by Freedom Ministries are free. The charges on Amazon only reflect the cost of printing and shipping. If you would like to donate a gift for the book you can go to the Online Giving page of our website. 100% of your donation will go to the works of Freedom Ministries. Go to our Freedom Ministries page to see how God is moving through us in the ministries God has given us. Thank you.

Lolita is presently in the process of writing three small books.  As she completes each one we will post the links to Amazon.  

The next book she will be writing: Lolita shares, "The first small book is the telling of an encounter I had 18 years ago when I was dying from an injury - as I was being transported in a medical helicopter to a Trauma Center I was suddenly blinded by a white light and I was taken up into the heavenlies of the mysteries of Christ.  I saw glorious facets of eternity and I encountered Perfect Love.  My mind, heart, and life have been dramatically transformed by this Perfect Love."   

BELIEVE: Jesus Christ is the Same Yesterday, Today, & Forever   LINK